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Вариант 1

1. What types of linguistic units are investigated by lexicology?

a) two-facet units

b) words and phrases

c) fixed, two-facet units

d) words

2. Syntagmatic approach to linguistic units presupposes:

a) investigation of a unit through its environment

b) investigation of a unit through its relations with other units

c) investigation of similarities and differences of linguistic units

d) investigation of a unit through its substitutes

3.Native words are:

a) words brought by Angles, Saxons and Jutes from the Continent

b) words which could be found in the earliest English manuscripts

c) the most ancient words which cannot be traced to any particular language and which have cognates in other Indo-European languages

d) words of  Indo-European origin which do not have cognates in Germanic languages

4. Native words constitute: 

a) the vocabulary of specific spheres of communication

b) 80% of the English word-stock

c) the basic layer of the most frequent words of the vocabulary

d) 50% of the English word-stock

5. Barbarisms are:

a. borrowed words with a narrow sphere of application 

b. borrowed words which are not assimilated phonetically

c. borrowed words which are not assimilated graphically

d. borrowed unassimilated words

6. State the origin: candle

a) Fr. 

b) L 

c) IE

d) Gr.

7. State the origin: whiskey 

a. Sc

b. L

c. Fr. 

d. Celt

8. State the origin: devil

a) Gr.

b) IE

c) Sc

d) L

9. State the origin: heart

a. CG

b. IE 

c. L 

d. Fr.

10. State the origin: inch

a. CG 

b. IE

c. L 

d. Fr.

11. Define the structure of the hybrids: cupboard

a) N+Sc.

b) L+N

c) L+Sc.

d) Sc.+N

12. Define the structure of the hybrids: lawyer

a. It.+Rom.

b. Sc.+Rom.

c. Fr.+N

d. Sc.+N

13. Define the type of word-formation: bus

a) conversion

b) reversion

c) short.

d) acron.

14. Define the type of word-formation: baccy

a. conv.+short.

b. acron.

c. short.+affixation

d. blending

15. Define the type of word-formation: butle

a. short.

b. reversion

c. conversion

d. composition

16. Discriminate between the types of semantic change: boycott

a) metaphor

b) metonymy

c) synecdoche

d) litotes

17. Discriminate between the types of semantic change: golden opportunity

a. metaphor

b. metonymy

c. synecdoche

d. litotes

18. Discriminate between the types of semantic change: mouth of a river

a. metaphor

b. metonymy

c. synecdoche

d. litotes

19. Discriminate between the types of semantic change: to arrive

a. narrowing

b. widening

c. elevation

d. degradation

20. Discriminate between the types of semantic change: meat

a. narrowing

b. widening

c. elevation

d. degradation

21. Discriminate between the types of semantic change: style 

a. narrowing

b. widening

c. elevation

d. degradation

22. Translation loans are:

a) words and expressions which have not been assimilated semantically

b) loans which consist in the development in an English word of a new meaning due to the influence of a related word in another language

c) words and expressions formed from the material already existing in the language but according to the pattern taken from another language by way of literal morpheme-for-morpheme translation

d) words which cannot be translated

23. The primary means of word-formation:

a. composition, conversion and back formation

b. derivation, composition and conversion

c. derivation, shortening, distinctive stress

d. composition, shortening, and back formation

24. By conversion we mean:

a. the process of coining a new word without affixes

b. the process of changing the syntactic function of a word without any shift in lexical meaning

c. the process of coining a new word in a different part of speech with a different paradigm and distribution but without adding any derivative element so that the basic word and the derived word are homonymous

d. the process of coining a new word in a different part of speech with a different paradigm and distribution

25. Simplification of stem is:

a) a process of coining a compound word in which one of the stems is a shortened one

b) a way of word building by subtracting a real affix from words through misinterpretation of their structure

c) a process by which a compound word loses the meaning of its constituent parts and turns into a root word

d) a way of word building by subtracting a supposed affix from words through misinterpretation of their structure

26. Metaphor is:

a) transfer based on contiguity

b) transfer based on similarity

c) transfer based on contrast

d) transfer based on identity

27. By connotation we mean:

a) components of meaning which express the most essential characteristics of the object to which the word refers

b) components of meaning which express emotive attitude of the speaker towards the object of speech, evaluation of the object and stylistic reference of a linguistic unit

c) components of meaning which identify the place a linguistic unit occupies on the scale of aesthetic values

d) components of meaning which express evaluation of the object and stylistic reference of a linguistic unit

28. Synonyms are:

a. two or more words that express the same idea

b. two or more words having identical grammatical meanings

c. two or more words of the same part of speech possessing one or more identical denotational lexical meanings and interchangeable in some contexts

d. two or more words possessing one or more identical denotational lexical meanings and interchangeable in some contexts

29. Synonymic dominant is:

a) a word which expresses the most general idea and holds a commanding position over other words in a synonymic set

b) a word which has no connotative components in its semantic structure

c) a word which expresses the notion common to all synonyms of the group in the most precise way, giving a detailed description of the referent

d) a word which expresses the most general idea

30. By phraseological fusions we mean:

a) word-groups in which one component is used in its direct meaning while the other is used metaphorically

b) word-groups which are clearly motivated and usually suggest a metaphorical image

c) word-groups in which the meaning of the unit is not explicable from the meaning of its components

d) motivated expressions

31. By nonce-words we mean:

a) words which do not have a meaning

b) words formed according to the productive structural patterns or borrowed from another language and felt by the speakers as something new

c) newly coined words which are structurally incorrect

d) words which are coined for the given occasion and do not remain in the language after they are created.

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