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Лабораторное занятие 1

Тема 1. Основной словарный фонд английского языка

Занятие первое. Учение об основном словарном фонде и словарном со­ставе английского языка. Признаки слов, относящихся к основному словарному фонду (устойчивость, общеупотребительность, база для образования новых слов).

Занятие второе. Этимологический состав основного словарного фонда анг­лийского языка. Общегерманские и исконно английские слова в основном сло­варном фонде английского языка. Ассимилированные ранние заимствования в основном словарном фонде английского языка. Особенности основного сло­варного фонда английского языка. Основной словарный фонд на разных исто­рических этапах развития английского языка. Устойчивость основного словар­ного фонда английского языка и изменчивость словарного состава.

Методика проведения занятия:

Первый час занятий посвящается опросу студентов по тео­рети­ческим вопросам (по материалам прочитанных лекций). При этом обраща­ется внимание на умение студентов подкреплять высказываемые ими теорети­ческие положения примерами из английского языка.



Лабораторная работа 2, 3


Тема 2. Заимствования

Историческая обусловленность заимствований в английском языке. Ассими­ляция заимствованных слов в соответствии с внутренними закономерностями английского языка. Сферы распространения заимствованных слов. Английские слова латинского и греческого происхождения. Английские слова скандинав­ского происхождения. Различный характер французских заимствований. Упот­ребление французского языка в Англии после нормандского завоевания. Ха­рактеристика заимствований из русского языка. Интернациональные слова. Этимологические дублеты. Заимствования.


Etymological Survey of the English Vocabulary. Native Words VS Borrowed Words.


1.The origin of English words. Words of native origin.

2.Common Indo-European and German word-stock. Cognate words.

3. Characteristic features of native words.

4. Causes, ways and types of borrowings in English.

5. The problem of assimilation of borrowings. Types and degrees of assimilation.

6. Etymological hybrids, etymological doublets and international words.

7. Interrelation between native and borrowed words


Borrowed Words Against Their Historical Background.


1. Early borrowed in the English language. Celtic element.

2. Classic element in the English vocabulary. Stratification of Latin borrowings.

3. Norman- French and later French borrowings. Gallicisms.

4.Borrowings from Spanish and Italian.

5.Eastem borrowings. Borrowings from other languages.

6.Peculiarities of modem borrowings in the English language.




  • Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология [Текст]: учебное пособие / Н.Б. Гвишиани. - М., 2008.– 224 стр.

    Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. A Practical Course in English Lexicology [Текст]: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз. / И.В. Зыкова. - 2-ое издание, исправленное. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 288 с.


1. What is the difference between words of Common Indo-European and Common Germanic word stock in the English Vocabulary?

2. What historical events in the life of the country are connected with the influx of borrowed words?

3. What languages contributed greatly into the vocabulary of the English language?

4. How did classical borrowings enrich the English language?

5.What semantic spheres can be pointed out in French borrowings?

6. How can you account for a high degree of assimilation of Scandinavian borrow­ings in English?

7. What are the semantic peculiarities of Italian and Spanish borrowings in English?

8. How does English adopt borrowed words?

9. What are the most popular etymological Dictionaries of the English language?

10.What is the difference between 'source of borrowing' and 'origin of borrowing'?

11.What do we call words and expressions formed from the material existing in Eng­lish but according to patterns taken from other languages?

12.What do we call loan words denoting objects and notions peculiar to the country from which they come?

13. What is a barbarism?

14. What is the basics of Etymological doublets?

15.What do we all words of identical origin that occur in several languages as a result of simultaneous or successive borrowings?


Assignment 1.

Find Cognates to the Following Native Words of Common Indo-European and Ger­manic Word Stock:

Ear, mother, fish, sit, water, eat, ask, brother, green, foot, beaver, head, work, three,

winter, tell, blood, red, cold, new, apple, I, song, heart, old.

Assignment 2.

State the Origin of Words Given Below:

Bird, girl, dog, bog, kilt, bear, cart, kill, owl, pen, glen, end, fun, fox, bard, may, cosy, spot, Tory, mood, crowd, well.

Assignment 3.

Comment on the Degree of Assimilation of the Following Words:

Pen, phenomenon, restaurant, mill, zemstvo, chronicle, sauerkraut, allegretto, sky, luftwaffe, bacilli, beret, paper, schnitzel.

Assignment 4.

Give Etymological Doublets to the Following Words:

Major, senior, ward, captain, salon, cart, poor, fragile, memory, shade, skirt, hospital, screech, corps, canal, artist, wage, cavalry, abridge, disc, legal.

Assignment 5.

Comment on the Structure of Etymological Hybrids:

Eatable, fortune-teller, undertake, easy-chair, afternoon, relationship, tea-cup, duke-dom.

Assignment 6.

a) Give English Equivalents for the Following Latin Borrowings:

Caupones, pondo, catillus, castra, clericus, magister, piper, molina, vinum, diabolus, uncia, discus, monachus.

b) Discriminate Between Different Strata of Latin Borrowings and Latinized Greek Borrowings:

Copper, bishop, psalm, school, chart, pound, verse, candle, wine, line, apostle,

chronicle, elephant, mule, mint, paper, inch.


Лабораторные занятия 2,3

Тема 3.
Занятие 2

Пути пополнения словарного состава. Словообразование – важнейшее средство пополнения английского словаря. Различные типы слово­образования в английском языке. Слова корневые, производные и сложные. Основной словарный фонд английского языка – база для образования новых слов. Аффиксация. Продуктивные и непродуктивные аффиксы в английском языке.


Занятие 3

Словосложение в английском языке. Различные типы слово­сложения. Распределение сложных слов по частям речи. Соотношение между определяющим и определяемым словом. Сложные слова и словосочетания. Конверсия в английском языке, ее типы. Другие средства словообразования: сокращения, повторение звукового состава слова, чередование, звукоподража­ние, «обратное» словообразование.



Word Structure. Affixation.


1. Morpheme as one of the basic linguistic units.

-Classification of morphemes. .

-Segmentation of words into morphemes.

-Free and bound morphemes.

-Morphemic types of words

2. Aims and principles of derivational analysis.

Derivational types of words. Word stem.

Degrees of derivation.

3.The analysis of words into Immediate Constituents.

4. Derivationaland functional affixes. Semi-affixes,

5. The nomenclature of affixes in the English language. Prefixation and suffixation.

6. Different principles of classification of derivational affixes.

7. Historical changeability of word structure.

8. Peculiarities of affixation as a way of word-building in modem English.


  • Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология [Текст]: учебное пособие / Н.Б. Гвишиани. - М., 2008.– 224 стр.

  • Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. A Practical Course in English Lexicology [Текст]: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз. / И.В. Зыкова. - 2-ое издание, исправленное. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 288 с.


I .What is the difference between a word and a morpheme?

2.What is the aim of analysis into immediate constituents?

3. What is the difference between derivational and functional affixes?

4. What is a bound morpheme?

5. How do we classify derivational affixes?

6.What is meant by simplification of stems?

7. What is the number of derivational affixes?

8. What are the peculiarities of English prefixation?


Assignment 1.

Translate the Following Terms into Russian and Comment on Their Essence:

Compound derivatives, level of analysis, UCs (ultimate constituents), structural pat­tern, non-productive, polymorphic, word stem, semi- affix.

Assignment 2.

Discriminate Between Productive Affixes of Germanic and Romantic Origin:

Mis-, -y, -en, -ize, -let, in-, -ess, -al, -ie, sub-, -ly, -ish, de-, -ate, -ness, -er, -ее.

Assignments. :

Give full Characteristics of the Affixes:

-Ship, -ly, pre-, -ism, -fold, super-, anti-, -ster.

Assignment 4.

State the Morphological Structure of the Words Below:

Ailment, fair-minded, unforgetfullness, headline, booklet, forget-me-not, window-shopping, waste-paper-basket.

Assignment 5.

Give the Primary Forms of Words:

Sheriff, always, lady, neighbour, breakfast, barn, elbow, lord, daisy, cupboard, win­dow, husband, gossip, forehead.


1. Word composition.

a) General characteristics of the process of compounding;

b) The criteria of compounds;

c) Specific features of English compounds;

d) Classification of compounds;

e) The historical development of English compounds;

2. Conversion.

a) The historical development of conversion in English;

b) Conversion in modem English as a morphological-syntactical way of word-build­ing;

c) Traditional and occasional conversion;

d) Semantic relationships in conversion.

3.Minor ways of word-building

a) Shortening

b) Blending;

c) Onomatopoeia;

d) Back-formation;

e) Distinctive stress;

f) Sound interchange.




  • Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология [Текст]: учебное пособие / Н.Б. Гвишиани. - М., 2008.– 224 стр.

  • Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. A Practical Course in English Lexicology [Текст]: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз. / И.В. Зыкова. - 2-ое издание, исправленное. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 288



1. What is a compound word?

2. What structural types of compound words exist in English?

3. What is the difference between a compound word and a combination of words?

4. Which type of composition is productive in Modem English?

5. How old is conversion as a way of word- building?

6. How do you account for a high productivity of conversion in Modem English?

7. Why do we call conversion a morphological-syntactical way of word- building?

8. What serves as a word-building means in case of conversion?

9. What word is called a compound derivative?

10. What is the difference between a shortened word and its prototype?



Assignment 1.

Analyse the Morphological Structure of the Following Words:

Mind-reader, woman, shortsightedness, egg-shell, always, Anglo-African, cabman, double-decker, reckless, hide-and-seek, highway, salesman, radio-equipped, brick-paved, lord.

Assignment 2.

Discriminate Between Motivated and Non- motivated Compound Words:

Microfilm, master-key, brainwash, sweet-tooth, horse-marine, to speedread, backseat-driver, green-yellow, blackskirt, frontbencher, brick-layer, lady-killer, handbag.

Assignment 3.

Form Verbs from the Nouns by Conversion and Compare Their Meaning with that of the Original words:

Station, dog, back, star, fish, head, ass, pocket, face, man, rat.

Assignment 4.

Give Full Words of the Following Shortened Ones:

Pub, taxi, CIA, Ib., UNESCO, dorm, id., ad., gap, specs, M.P., comfy, V-day, phiz, KKK, maths, NASA, UFO, mam, fancy, ad, chap, i.e., van, dz.

Assignment 5.

Comment on the Formation of the Blends:

Good-bye, brunch, Irangate, republicrat, fruice, electrocute, flush, Nixonomics, ze-brule, dollarature.

Assignment 6.

Give the Derivational Origin of the Following Words:

To spring-clean, to beg, to typewrite, to enthuse, to burgle, to baby-sit, to edit, to orate, to automate, to butle.

Assignment 7.

Comment on the Nature of the Following Onomatopoeic Words:

Ding-dong, buzz, croack, yelp, grumble, hiss, clap, tinkle, sizzle, bellow, boom, twit­ter, neigh, murmur, babble, jungle, crash.



Лабораторная занятие 4


Тема 4. Изменение значений слов в английском языке

Значение семантики для языкознания. Типы значений. Лексическое значение слова. Развитие значений – один из источни­ков пополнения словаря. Многозначность английских слов. Расширение и су­жение значений. Переоценка значений. Метафора и метонимия. Евфемизмы. Сравнение многозначности в русском и английском языках.




1. Word meaning. Different approaches to the study of meaning.

2. Types of meaning. Lexical and grammatical meaning.

3. The semantic structure of words. Central and peripheral elements of it.

4.Denotational and connotational components of meaning, their constituents. Stylistic reference, evaluation, emotive charge.

5. Polysemantic words. The interrelation of lexico-semantic variants. (LSVs). Poly­semy and context.

6. Word-meaning and motivation.

7. Semantic change. Linguistic and extra-linguistic causes of semantic change.

8. Types of semantic change:

a) Generalization of meaning;

b) Specialization of meaning;

c) Degradation (pejoration) of meaning;

d) Elevation (amelioration) of meaning.

9. Different types of semantic transfer (metaphoric and metonymic). Shifts of mean­ing through hyperbole, litotes, irony and euphemism.



1. What are the main approaches to the study of word-meaning?

2. What is the structure of word-meaning?

3. What words are non-motivated?

4. Why do words change their meaning?

5. What is meant by plurality of meaning?

6. What are the basic types of semantic transfer?


Assignment 1.

Use the Following Terms in Sentences:

LSV, emotive charge, evaluative component, radiation, concatenation, basic mean­ing, split of polysemy, phonological motivation, demotivation, pejoration, hyperbole, euphemism, connotational.

Assignment 2.

Characterize the Interrelation of Denotational and Connotational Components of meaning:

Abdomen, controversialist, oldie, algebraic, buck, beseech, brine, smartie, cycloid, drinko, departmentalism, transcendental.


Discriminate Between Different Types of Motivation:

Conventionalism, to howl, go-getter, cold, disreputable, sizzle, actor- manager, blackleg, eye, murmur, moon, coatless.

Assignment 4.

Comment on the Semantic Development of Words:

Starve, arrive, ready, style, camp, rival, girl, fowl, season, meant, pipe, write, hound.

Assignment 5.

Characterize Types of Semantic Changes in Word:

Knight, lord, villain, Tory, silly, nice, sad, clown, boor, steward, marshal, knave.

Assignment 6.

Explain the Logic of Semantic Transfer:

China, heaps of time, mouth of a cave, astrakhan, the best of his epoch, jeans, boicott, tougnes of flame, a musical ear, champaign, rising spirits, a Ford, not half as bad, to bum with a desire, madeira, bookworm, hooligan.

Лабораторное занятие 5

Тема 4. Cинонимы и антонимы в современном английском языке.

Пути развития английской синонимии. Типы синонимов. Стилистическое использование синонимов. Антонимы в английском языке. Использование префиксов и суффиксов для образования антонимов. Взаимоот­ношения между синонимами и антонимами.

Омонимы, синонимы и антонимы в современном английском языке.



1. Synonyms

a) Semantic equivalence and synonymy.

b) Criteria of synonymy.

c) Sources of synonymy in English. Euphemisms.

d) Types of synonyms. The role of synonymy in the development of the vocabulary.

2. Semantic contrasts and antonymy. Root antonyms and derivational antonyms.

3. Thematic groups and semantic fields.

4. Methods and procedures of semasiological analysis.




  • Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология [Текст]: учебное пособие / Н.Б. Гвишиани. - М., 2008.– 224 стр.

  • Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. A Practical Course in English Lexicology [Текст]: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз. / И.В. Зыкова. - 2-ое издание, исправленное. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 288 с.



1.What are the main principles of classification of synonyms?

2. What are the basic criteria of synonymy?

3.What synonyms are called contextual?

4. What is the essence of the law of synonymic attraction?

5. How do you understand the terms "hyponym" and "hyperonym"?

6. What is a synonymic dominant?


Assignment 1.

State the Development of Semantic Structure of the Following Words:

Sorrow, impression, guest, institute.

Assignment 2.

Give Antonyms to the Following Words and Discriminate Between Their Types:

Ugly, legal, continue, fortunate, courage, slow, light, distinct, wet, frequent, kind, clean, painful, movable, use.

Assignment 3.

Define the Source of Synonymy:

To ask – to question – to interrogate, poor – unprivileged, girl – lass, vegetable – veg, pretty – bonny, heaven – sky, foe – enemy, anxiety – anxiousness, house – residence, lodger – a paying guest.

Assignment 4.

Find Synonyms to the Following Words and State Their Types:

Disciple, shudder, sweat, heaven, warrior, holy, bare, bobby, mom, courage, dread, earth.

Assignment 5.

Discriminate Between Synonyms in the Following Synonymic Groups and Point Out a Synonymic Dominant:

Anger - indignation - wrath - fire - rage - fury.

Mad - maniac(al) - crazy - crazed - insane - demented - deranged.

Apartment - flat - rooms - lodgings - chambers - quarters - tenement.

Assignment 6.

Explain the Usage of the Following Partial Synonyms:

Dear - expensive, frontier - border, mature - ripe, labyrinth - trap, mean - stingy.


Лабораторное занятие 6


Тема 4. Омонимы в современном английском языке.

Различные пути образования омонимов. Полные и частичные омонимы. Омографы и омофоны.



Polysemy and homonymy


1. Classification of homonyms.

2. Sources of homonymy.

3. Etymological and semantic criteria of polysemy and homonymy.




  • Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология [Текст]: учебное пособие / Н.Б. Гвишиани. - М., 2008.– 224 стр.

  • Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. A Practical Course in English Lexicology [Текст]: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз. / И.В. Зыкова. - 2-ое издание, исправленное. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 288 с.


1. How can you account for a highly developed polysemy in English?

2. What elements form the semantic structure ofpolysemic words?

3. What are the main sources ofhomonymy in English?

4. How do we treat homonymy in synchronically?


Assignment 1.

Comment on the Lexico-Semantic Variants of the Following Polysemantic Words:

Take, heart, letter, go, hand, do.

Assignment 2.

Give Perfect Homonyms to the Following Words, State Their Origin and Meaning:

Bill, pupil, spell, like, can, bat, fit.

Assignment 3.

Comment on the Origin of the Following Homonyms:

Flower - flour, rite - right - write, a bit - to bit, back - to back, box(l) - box(2), scene - seen, spring - to spring, capital (adj) - capital (n), know - no, rear (1) - rear(2), love - to love, chest (1) - chest(2), case (1) - case (2), sea - see.

Лабораторное занятие 7

Тема 5 Лексическая сочетаемость в современном английском языке


Сочетаемость лексических единиц. Понятие валентности. Лексическая и грамматическая валентность. Типы словосочетаний. Свободные и ус­тойчивые словосочетания. Нормы соче­таемости. Ограничивающие факторы. Дистрибутивный анализ переменных словосочетаний.



Free word combinations
  • The problem of definition of free word-groups. Various approaches to the definition of the term "word-group". Difference between a word-group and a set phrase.

  • Structure of free word-groups: syntactic connection as the criterion of classification (subordinative, coordinative, predicative), classification of subordinative free word-groups according to their head-words (nominal, adjectival, verbal etc.).

  • Meaning of free word-groups: lexical meaning, structural meaning, Interrelation of structural and lexical meanings in word-groups. Motivation in word-groups.

  • Lexical and grammatical valency.



  • Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология [Текст]: учебное пособие / Н.Б. Гвишиани. - М., 2008.– 224 стр.

  • Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. A Practical Course in English Lexicology [Текст]: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз. / И.В. Зыкова. - 2-ое издание, исправленное. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 288 с.

Лабораторные занятия 8

Тема 6. Фразеология современного английского языка

Свободные и связанные словосочетания в английском языке. Фразеология – учение об устойчивых словосочетаниях. Различные типы устойчивых словосо­четаний в современном английском языке. Фразеологическая классификация А.В.Кунина. Характерные черты английской фразеологии.




1. Phraseology as a branch of lexicology. Its theoretical basis.

2. Different approaches to the study of phraseological units.

3. The criteria of distinguishing phraseological units from free word combinations.

4. The origin of phraseological units in the English language.

5. The problem of classification of phraseological units:

a) The classification of phraseological units given by V.V.Vinogradov;

b) A.I. Smirnitsky's classification of phraseological units;

c) Contextual approach to the classification of phraseological units suggested by N.N. Amosova;

d) A.V. Koonin's conception of English phraseology.

6. Proverbs, sayings, familiar quotations and cliches.

7. Lexicological presentation of phraseological units.

8. Different modifications of phraseological units in actual speech.

9.Some debatable problems of phraseology.




  • Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология [Текст]: учебное пособие / Н.Б. Гвишиани. - М., 2008.– 224 стр.

  • Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. A Practical Course in English Lexicology [Текст]: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз. / И.В. Зыкова. - 2-ое издание, исправленное. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 288 с.


1. What is the difference between free word combinations and set expressions?

2. What are the most problematic aspects in the study of phraseological units?

3. In what way do phraseological units come to enrich the vocabulary of English?

4. How do we use phraseological units in actual speech?

5. Can we call phraseology a separate level of the language?


Assignment 1.

Define the Source of Phraseological units:

Cake and ale, an artful Dodger, a skeleton in the closet (cupboard), the lion's share, what will Mrs. Grundy say?, to cast pearls before swine, to carry coals to Newcastle, a marriage of convenience, to blow one's own trumpet, baker's dozen.

Assignment 2.

Classify the Following Phraseological Units According to Difference Principles Ad­vanced by V.Vinogradov, N.Amosova, A.Kunin;

To rob the cradle, to oil one's palm, to appear on the scene, high spirits, sharp as a razor, to open old wounds, a white elephant, to swallow one's words, maiden speech, small talk, a black sheep, the game is not worth the candle.

Assignment 3.

Dwell on the Extralinguistic Background of the Following Phraseological Units:

Beefeater, Christmas stockings. Jack the Ripper, April Fool, the mailed fist, fight like Kilkenney cats, Hobson's choice, Barkis is willin, The Swan of Avon, to grin like a Cheshire cat.

Assignment 4.

Outline the Situation in Which You Can Use the Following Proverbs and Sayings:

He will never set the Thames on Fire.

Cut your clothes according to your cloth.

An empty bag cannot stand upright.

Лабораторное занятие 9

Тема 8. Функционально-стилистическая характеристика словарного состава языка.

Эмоционально-экспрессивная и оценочная лексика. Лексика делового общения. Объем индивидуального словаря. Нейтральная лекси­ка. Краткий обзор функциональных стилей

Изменчивость словарного состава английского языка и ее причины. Характерные особенности современной английской лексики. Книжная лексика. Терминоло­гия. Способы образования терминов. Поэтическая лексика. Архаизмы. Разговорная лексика. Сленг. Неологизмы и окказиональные слова.


Development of the Vocabulary

1. The problem of obsolete words in English. Lexical and grammatical archaisms. Historisms. Their classification and functional role.

2.The problem of new words in English.

a) New meanings and new vocabulary units;

b) Neologisms, different ways of building new words;

c) Occasional words, their types and functions.

3. The fundamentals of neology. Dictionaries of new words.


  • Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология [Текст]: учебное пособие / Н.Б. Гвишиани. - М., 2008.– 224 стр.

  • Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. A Practical Course in English Lexicology [Текст]: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз. / И.В. Зыкова. - 2-ое издание, исправленное. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. –

Лабораторное занятие 10

Тема 9. Regional Varieties of the English Language

1. The English-speaking world. American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and Indian variants of the English language.

2. The historical background of the development of the American variant of the Eng­lish language.

3. Lexical peculiarities of American English:

a) Total divergency of lexical units in BE and AE;

b) Divergency of lexical units in BE and AE for the same denotatum;

c) Difference of semantic structure of partially equivalent words in BE and AE;

d) Lexical units in BE and AE equivalent in form and meaning but different in dis­tribution;

e) Connotational divergencies of the same lexical units in BE and AE

f) Different frequency distribution of identical lexical units in BE and AE.

4. The prospect of linguistic bonds across the Atlantic.

5. Peculiarities of word-building process in AE.

6. The development of American lexicography.



1. Гвишиани Н.Б. Modern English Studies: Lexicology. Современный английский язык: Лексикология [Текст]: учебное пособие / Н.Б. Гвишиани. - М., 2008.– 224 стр.

2.Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. A Practical Course in English Lexicology [Текст]: учебное пособие для студентов лингв. вузов и фак. ин. яз. / И.В. Зыкова. - 2-ое издание, исправленное. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 288 с.



1. What is the difference between a dialect and a variant of English? Is AE a sepa­rate language?

2. In what spheres of the language do we state the most obvious divergencies be­tween British English and American English?

3. What are the main lexical differences between BE and AE?

4. What were the causes of deviations of AE from BE?


Assignment 1.

Characterize the Following Americanisms Against Their Socio-cultural


Prohibition, barracoon, sorority, wrangler, barbecue, vietnik, nickel, repeal, watcher, campus, drive-in, dude ranch, the Depression, forty-niner, canvasser.

Assignment 2.

Discriminate "Between, Different Ways of Word-Building in the Following Americanisms:

Baddie, patriotism, ambulance-chaser, draftee, hitch-hiker, bosso, luncheteria, Dallasgate, payola, sleep-in, dopelomate, tryout.


Find American Equivalents to Their British Counterparts:

Flat, elevator, corridor, waistcoat, chemist's shop, season ticket, secondary school, lorry, tin, sweets, pillar-box, autumn, shop, biscuit, think, wireless, trou­sers.



Лабораторное занятие 11


Тема 10 Fundamentals of English Lexicography


1. Historical background of the art of dictionary-compiling.

2. The main principles of dictionary-compiling.

3. General classification of the types of dictionaries.

4. Encyclopedic dictionaries.

5. Linguistic dictionaries.

a) Explanatory dictionaries;

b) Translation dictionaries;

c) Specialized dictionaries.

6. Some of the main problems of Lexicography.

a) Selection of entry words;

b) Arrangement of meanings;

c) Illustrative quotations;

d) Supplementary notes;

e) Structure of the dictionary.


1. What part does lexicology play in the general linguistic training of philologists?

2. In what way is lexicology connected with other branches of linguistics?

3. What are the main branches of lexicology as a science?

4. What main factors in the life of the country determined the development of English vocabulary?

5.What approaches to the study of words exist in modem lexicology?

6. What does lexical system of the language represent?

7. What methods of the lexicological analysis are applied to the study of the vocabu­lary?

8. What new trends in modem linguistics contributed to modem lexicological the­ory?


1. How can you characterize the first English dictionaries?

2. What is a glossary?

3. What dictionary is eighteenth century standard?

4. What encyclopedic dictionaries are known to you?

5.What is the number of entries in a good-size translating dictionary?

6. What kind of information can you derive from dictionary usage?

7. Do general dictionaries habitually exclude slang?

8. What is a capital investigation of phraseologisms in the form of a dictionary?

9. When did American lexicography begin to develop?

10. What dictionaries of new words do you know?

11. What is the role of supplementary notes?

12. What is the order of arrangement of different meanings of polysemantic words?



Assignment 1.

Characterize the Following dictionaries:

1. The English-Russian Dictionary ed. By V.K. Muller.

2. A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English by E. Partridge.

3. A Dictionary of Modem English Usage by N.W.Fowler.

4. English Pronouncing Dictionary by D Jones.

5.Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases by R.M.Roget.

6. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by J.Bosworth.

7. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English.

8. Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology by Ch.T.Onions.

9. The Second Bamhart Dictionary of New English.-N.Y. 1980.

10.The Oxford English Dictionary (OED). A corrected reissue of the New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED): In thirteen vols/ Ed. By Y.A.H. Murray, H. Brndley, W.A. Craigie, Ch.T. Onions.- Oxford, 1977.

Assignment 2.

Define the Dictionaries from which the Entries Are Given:

1. Bach- elor n 1. unmarried man, spinster; (attrib) of, suitable for, an unmarried person: a (independent unmarried) girl, flats.

2. (man or woman who has taken the first university degree:

Br Arts/Science.

2. Alone, solitary, lonely, lone, lonesome, foreign, desolate

1. находящийся или чувствующий себя вне общества других людей, одинокий, покинутый, оставленный...

3. cloister (s.v.) - ers, - erring, -ered.

4. electricity ilek'trisiti [,elek-, i:lek-, elek-]

5. Adam's ale ( или wine) шутл. «вино Адама», вода. Some take a glass of porter to their dinner, but I slake my thirst with Adam's wine (Eliot G.) Многие выпивают за обедом стакан портера, я же утоляю жажду во­дой.

6. bishop OE. Biscop, corr. To OS. Biskop, OHG biscof (G. biscof), ON. Biscup pop L.* biscopus, for eccl. L. episcopus- Gr. Episcopus overseer (whence Goth. aipiskaupus) f. epi EPI+ -scopus looking (cf- scope)

7. Great Rebellion ['greitri'beljen] Великий мятеж (термин, принятый историо­графией для обозначения периода Английской буржуазной революции [Eng­lish Revolution]; тж. Civil Wars, Commonwealth 2 и Protectorate).

8. Hyperbole [hai'pe:beli] n. (f. Gk. Hyperbole, a throwing beyond, excess f. hyperballein, to throw beyond; f. Hyper – преувеличение, усиливающее выразительность слова. One of the types of semantic change. An exaggerated statement not meant to be understood literally but expressing an emotional attitude of the speaker to what he is speaking about, e.g. lovely! Awfully! Splendid!

9. Заклевать, заклеить (вн.) glue up (d.) stick* up an envelope, ~ окно seal up a window; ~ щели stop up the chinks; - конверты seal (up) an envelope, -иваться, заклеиться 1 .stick*; конверт не -ивается the envelope will nit stick; 2. страдат. к заклеивать.

10. HUN l. One of Asiatic race of warlike nomads who invaded Europe c. AD 375, and in the middle of the 5 с. under their King Attila overran and ravaged greater part of the continent.

3. transf. A reckless or willful destroyer of beauties of nature or art; an uncultured devastator. C.f. "Goth", "Vandal".


Лабораторное занятие 12

Комплексный анализ английских текстов



Lexicological Analysis of the Text

I. Etymology

1. Give examples of native words of the common Indo-European word-stock (cog­nates in Latin, Greek, German, Russian) and the common Germanic word-stock (cognates in Gothic, German, etc.), characterize their peculiarities.

2. Give examples of borrowings, etymological hybrids and doublets. Characterize them according to their origin (source) and degree of assimilation. Find international words.

II. Morphological Structure of Words

1. Analyze several words on three levels:

a) on the morphemic level - number of morphemes, their types, free and bound mor­phemes, root words, derived and compound words;

b) on the derivational level - types of stems, simplified stems, roots equal to stems;

c) on the Immediate Constituents level, revealing the morphological motivation of words.

3. Give examples of historical changeability of word-structure.

III. Word Building

1. Give examples of words formed through affixation, characterize prefixes and suf­fixes according to their origin, meaning, type (convertive or non-convertive), produc­tivity, frequency, stylistic reference, emotive charge, valency, part-of-speech mean­ing.

2. Give examples of compound words, characterize them according to the type of composition, idiomaticity, the way of joining components.

3. Find examples of words formed through conversion, characterize conversion pairs according to the main points of difference and similarity between the members of a pair; semantic relationship between them; direction of derivation.

4. Characterize examples of other ways of word-building: shortening, blending, back-formation, onomatopoeia, distinctive stress and sound interchange.

IV. Semasiology

1. Find several (5-6) lexical units with different types and degrees of motivation.

2. Point out instances of semantic change (widening, narrowing, degradation, amelio­ration of meaning). Characterize different cases of semantic transfer (metaphor, me­tonymy, etc.).

3. Point out polysemantic words, characterize their lexico-semantic variants. Supply some words in the text with homonyms, speak on their source, type, degree.

4. Define the type and source of synonyms to some words in the text.

5. Find homonyms to several words from the text, define their source and types.

V. Phraseology

Find several phraseological units and classify them according to V.V. Vinoradov's classification, N.N. Amosova's classification, A.V. Coonin's classification. Speak on their source

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